Pausing Brings Healing

Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. Then as you unwrap my words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being. Proverbs 4:21-22 TPT

One of my favorite Bible teachers, Graham Cooke, says that “Our experiences with the Lord should radically change how we face life.” I believe when we pause to capture more of God’s heart for us, we cannot help but be changed, transformed and infuse with the courage to keep going. Every day I need more of God. I’ve found a rhythm with my savior and best friend. As I dance through life with him, if I twirl a little too far from his heart, he pulls me right back in. But, one thing is certain, my heart has to be open to feel his nudge. We can’t shut our heart, because then our ears and eyes shut as well.

I was reading Matthew 11:28 the other day, you know the one that says “come to me all who are weary” and there is a phrase that says “I am easy to please”. My heart, without even the slightest pause, answered back, “It doesn’t feel like it, Lord.” I didn’t know where that came from, but I’ve learned that anytime I question or have a belief in my heart that is fighting against his truth, I need to spend time capturing more of God’s heart so that this area in me can realign with his.

So where did I go? I went to his Word and the dance began to unfold. This is the part where he pulls me back in! I opened my Bible and the first verse that captured my eyes was Psalm 51:16-17. His truth reached out to the nagging belief that was haunting my heart and he spoke right to the place where my view needed a new perspective. “For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance…The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you.”

This hit right to my core. You see, I am a performer. A striver. A doer. And at the end of the day, I often struggle with the question did I do enough? God was telling me, “Stop it. It isn’t about how you perform. No, all I want is for you to be real with me. Come to me with the struggles I already know you have so that I can re-arrange your broken view and heal the shattered places within you.” And let me tell you, EVERY TIME, I let him in he lays before me a picture of his grace I was failing to capture and my heart melts.

The simplest prayer of my heart has become, “Lord, help me to usher people into your heart so that they may be changed forever.” I know that if I can help others enter into his heart, they will be blown away and changed forever! Why do I know this? Because my experience with God’s heart has led me to a place of awe and beauty and freed me in ways I never knew I needed. My experience with his heart has transformed how I face life! There is certainty that my dance partner will always point my feet in the right direction and never let me twirl too far from his heart.

Pause to capture more of his heart today. I promise when you seek, he will be found, and the picture he develops within you will lead you to an experience with his heart that will blow you away!

Be Bold ~ Be a light!

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