Soul Care Coaching

Hello, gosh we are so glad you are here! We are coaches at heart who love helping women and ministry teams flourish and thrive! Our hope is that women always walk away from any experience we cultivate with the courage to live their most authentic story, embrace their unique talents, and share those talents with the world around them! And for church leadership and ministry teams, our hope is to help you cultivate emotionally healthy, resilient cultures that can thrive so your team can sustain the good work the world so desperately needs them to provide!

We believe every human has within them a seed to their truest self and when given the right conditions, that seed can’t help but become exactly what it was designed to be. We want to be a part of helping more women and ministry teams discover the conditions that allow them to thrive & flourish. So, if you find yourself, your team, your ministry needing a reset and wanting to reconnect with your vision and purpose and find ways to flourish and live more authentically, there is a seat at our table for you! We can’t wait to help you get back to a place of balance, hope, and greater resilience.

Hello, I’m Josie. Founding Shine Healing Ministries has been one of my life’s greatest honors, where I get to create transformative spaces and experiences of renewal and healing. I am also a mother to two lovely, always keeping me on my toes teen girls and a wife to the most handsome man alive. I am an absolute nature lover & quiet time enthusiast. It would surprise many to know that I tip the scale fully as an introvert, given my love for public speaking (weird, I know) and leading restorative community experiences!  

Professionally, I’m a clinical counselor specializing in trauma and resiliency, and my work has evolved into consulting, training, coaching, speaking, and writing. I have a heart to see women and ministry teams thrive and flourish not just in their spiritual life but in all aspects of their lives. After experiencing severe burnout in ministry and seeking God’s answers for wholeness, it became a passion of mine to help others find resilience and renewal amidst the pressures and unrelenting stressors of our generation. 

Ultimately, we all have one story to live! I want to learn how to live it to the full and most authentically while bringing as many beautiful souls along for the ride with me as possible! I can’t wait to meet you and walk alongside you on your journey to flourishing!

Hello dear friends! I am Holly Giles, a wife to my amazing, hilarious husband and a mother of three beautiful, sometimes ornery children. My Christian journey has spanned many years, but it was through the delicate strokes of watercolor that God chose to capture my heart seven years ago.

A teacher by trade, I’ve discovered the profound beauty of connecting with God through His word and the transformative power of creativity. Watercolor, specifically, has become my sacred retreat – a space to slow down, reflect, and attune my heart to the gentle whispers of the Divine.

This personal revelation has birthed a purpose within me – a calling to share the gift of creativity and the profound connection with God. Thus, God’s grace has led me to partner with my dear friend, Josie at Shine Healing Ministries, where our collective heartbeat is to create sanctuaries for women to explore their spiritual paths, embracing the beauty of creativity as a conduit for healing and connection.

Soul Care Coaching

Leadership Teams
Ministry Teams

"Our bodies & minds were not meant to keep up this wild pace. What we need is a shift, a collective exhale as we find our way again." -Jodi Grubbs

InspireHER Growth: Helping Women Flourish

In a culture where stress and busyness have become the norm, spaces to pause and experience renewing & healing connection are vital. So, we created Flourish Circles (group coaching with faith-based guidance) to provide a roadmap, a step-by-step process helping women to connect with God’s story while practicing ways to flourish and thrive in everyday life. 

To flourish means to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment and to cultivate order, beauty, and abundance for the common good of others.

At Shine, we believe the most “favorable environment” that enables us to flourish is a supportive community. In a world longing for connection and authenticity, we envision more inviting spaces where woman can come alongside other women offering encouragement and support no matter where we find ourselves along our spiritual journey. 

We also believe that there is something unique and beautiful in each one of us ready to bloom for the common good and benefit of others. Therefore, we commit to coming alongside women, helping them embrace the beauty within so that we can collectively find the courage to boldly shine our light in the world. The more we live true to who we are, the more the world will benefit. 

Thrive Together for Church Leadership & Ministry Teams: Cultivating Resilient Cultures

Join us on a transformative journey with Thrive Together, a pioneering program crafted for church leadership and ministry teams. Amidst the challenges of stress and burnout, we empower you to foster resilient cultures by integrating key concepts of emotional health and mental well-being within the faith community.

Thrive Together offers a restorative, trauma-informed, faith-based approach. We explore crucial topics such as the significance of mental health in the church and guide you through five Soul Care Coaching sessions. Together, we’ll learn to cultivate individual and collective resilience, develop emotional intelligence, and foster effective communication skills essential for ministering to the heart. 

Our journey together culminates in crafting a clear roadmap for your thriving community’s future vision and celebrating each individual’s progress to foster a supportive environment that nurtures growth and unity. Join us on this enriching path towards sustainable ministry and personal well-being. Together, we thrive.

Contact Josie at or 937-838-0770 if you are interested in learning more! 

Women’s groups, teams, ministries & organizations, let’s build deeper connections & resiliency together!

What we can provide you:

  • Custom Designed Spiritual Growth, Renewal and Resiliency Building Workshops & Retreats
  • Flourish Circles – Helping You Cultivate a Restorative Team Culture 
  • Keynote Speaking for Your Next Women’s Event

Call us at 937-838-0770 or email us at to book us today for your next women’s event!

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