Belief, Believe, Believing, all forms of a word that, probably if I were to really think about it, something I think I should know, but in actuality, not necessarily something I would always stake my life upon.
Belief is a word that bases it’s meaning as: think to be true, be persuaded, credit, confidence, reliance upon, to trust, and conviction.
Faith goes hand in hand. I was taught it is the absence of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. In other words believing for what has not yet occurred.
So believing is a process. That’s a relief.
My belief in God is something I can remember carrying since I was a young girl. Just that I know, that I know, that I know, but I can’t really explain it to you. I was and still am persuaded. As I learned of my Jesus, my confidence grew as I learned to trust Him with more and more. Then my convictions gave way to credibility based on truth, experience, and better understanding. Again, another growth spurt. Even when I don’t understand, my belief grows based on the past strength of credibility and His trustworthiness all wrapped in love. Now I can trust Him more because my foundation is more sure and sturdy.
Do I always understand? Nope- Do things occur that seem unfair? Yep – Do I get a no sometimes when I really thought it was yes? Yep – Do I completely trust? Nope, not yet
1 Thessalonians 5:8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.
Well, I’ll be- look, at that- it doesn’t come naturally or something I am endowed with. It’s available, but I have to put on, over my heart and lungs (vital organs for life), both faith AND love! Put on, as in everyday I put on my shirt. It’s for preservation, for protection, for coverage. If you have it on, others can and will see it. Put on faith. Put on love. Oh, and to protect my mind, not as an afterthought, the helmet of salvation. That brain between my ears, determines my direction. So let me put on the protection of my mind with hope (expectation that it will happen in the future) for my deliverance, preservation and welfare.
Where are you? Where is your hope set? What do you believe?
Father, thank you that You are Love. You are Faith. You are Hope. These are a few facets of Your character, who you really are. Help me to remember, before I ever set my feet to the floor, to put on Your clothing. Today I choose to put on Your coverage that you provide for me. Thank you that it is free for the taking and it fits to me like a second skin. Thank you for Your kindness and mercies that are new every morning. I choose to wear the character of You. In Jesus name.