Josie Muterspaw

Josie has over 12 years of experience working with people who have felt broken, damaged, and not enough. Witnessing their struggle to hope again has molded her passion to become an outspoken voice for those who are held back by their past. Her message of healing is driven by the desire to see women set free to share their unique, God-designed light with the world! She is a speaker, author, and Professional Clinical Counselor who has spent most of her career designing programs that help others find both freedom from their painful past and a renewed sense of purpose. After many hard lessons, it became obvious to Josie that no program can trump an encounter with God. True healing comes when God’s heart and perspective intersect with our broken places – which is exactly why she founded Shine Healing Ministries and The 40 Day Journey to help women heal their heart, grow in their relationship with God, discover their true identity, and set their purpose free.

Josie is a wife, a momma to two girls, and a Buckeye (O-H..I-O) through and through! She loves her quiet time, country air, and all furry creatures – great and small!

Lisa Green

When you marry into the military, moving vans are often a staple. You meet people from near and far who become friends and family. Though the stories are individualized, the emotions have repeat patterns of both love and deep pain. This brought to life for Lisa the passion for holistic wellness- body, soul, and spirit. She began as a registered nurse and then co-founder of Cooking for Life, a personal chef business that focused on flavorful foods with balanced nutrition for healing. She combined this love with her faith to facilitate inner healing through prayer. As a facilitator for SHINE, she brings awareness of living a healthy, balanced life of love and forgiveness to women so they can embrace their true identity in Christ Jesus.

Amanda McGhee

Life for Amanda has been a series of chaotic life changing events. Her mom died when she was five, and several forms of abuse occurred for another 10 years.  During this time, she found herself trying to figure out who she knew God was to her. Through His steadfast care, Amanda learned that what God says about you trumps others views and opinions. She became a school teacher and a curriculum coordinator, making a daily difference in the lives of other children. After getting married, another miracle was needed in order to have a child. Ten years of trying to conceive with doctors. They said there was no chance. But God! Currently Amanda stays home with her 2 year old son and is a vital part of the ministry of Shine, showing God’s love and miracles as He moves on behalf of others.

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