The Rubble is Necessary

For real change to occur wreckage is required. I’m learning how to accept this process – the messy process of transformation in me and in others. The truth is we are all works in progress – learning to walk out God’s way of thinking and being.

To be transformed in the image of Christ some things must come down. You see we can be taunted by painful moments we don’t understand and then believe negative messages about our self instead of truth. Then we build walls around our hurt and devise faulty strategies that we think will protect us. However, in the long run all we do is create barriers that keep us from freedom.

Our old ways of thinking and being in this world can’t stay in place if we want to receive all that God has for us. The words you believe about yourself become your identity and determine the things you do. If you have built a broken identity on broken beliefs such as, “I’m not enough…I’m unworthy…I’m too damaged…I’m a mistake” its time for some tearing down so that you can be rebuilt by the truth of how God sees you!

Every single issue we have in life comes down to our Identity! When we know who we are in Christ every emotion, every situation gets a dose of God’s perspective.

I am always encouraged by the story of David and Goliath. David knew who he was in Christ. This gave him the confidence to face Goliath, a decorated warrior giant. Everyone else saw David as a scrawny, shepherd boy, but David knew how God saw him. God had just told him he would be KING!

You see God is a seed planter. He planted a seed in David’s heart that was meant to take time to grow, developed, and provide direction for his life. There was no evidence of kingly stature in young David when he was told of his destiny. We know this to be true because when the prophet came to David’s house to pick the next king his father didn’t even call him out of the field. He was certain it wouldn’t be David.

David’s father was mistaken, God had other plans. Armed with a promise from the Lord, David faced the giant that had taunted and terrified an entire army of Israelite warriors for 40 days! David clung to the word God had spoken over his life and he was confident in who God said that he was! The Israelite warriors were believing the enemies lies! Are you like the Israelite warriors or like David? Are you taunted by GIANTS and held back in your life or do you know who God says that you are?

When we know who we are in Christ we act differently, we are confident in Who GOD is for our every need and our life is not dependent on what we can accomplish but on what He can do through us! We are unstoppable, limitless, and can slay any giant, no matter how big, that taunts us. The God in you, is greater than any giant that comes against you. (1 John 4:4) You just have to realize who God says that you are and cling to this truth – no longer accepting the lies this world has taunted you with.

God wants to plant a seed in your heart that may be hard for you to believe in your current state. It is only hard to believe because right now your view is blocked by the broken and tattered walls you’ve built. He is asking you to let Him in and rebuild your heart so that He can transform you into the image He holds of you.

God does not have a single negative thought about you. 

What has to come down in your life to allow God to rebuild you anew? What walls (ways of seeing yourself or your situation) are keeping you from healing? Is it a wall of self reliance, an addiction, an eating disorder, excessive shame, crippling fear, or negative beliefs you’ve trusted? The God in you wants to meet your every need!

There is a promise in Isaiah 54: 11-12. It says, “Afflicted city, storm-battered, unpitied: I’m about to rebuild you with stones of turquoise, Lay your foundations with sapphires,construct your towers with rubies,Your gates with jewels, and all your walls with precious stones (MSG). 

The hard part is letting him tear down things that are keeping us from the destiny He has for us. It can be a painful process of letting go of what we have always know for unknown and hard to believe treasures that await us. Are you feeling afflicted, storm-battered, and all in pieces?

God promises to rebuild us with the finest materials and spare no expense. Are you willing to open your heart and let God tear down the walls that are keeping you from being all He knows you can be? He brings beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise instead of despair, and a double portion of honor for our shame. (Isaiah 61) Everything we give Him, He transforms in ways far beyond our imagination.

Could it be that what is falling down around you is necessary so that God can rebuild you with His finest materials – sparing no expense? You are priceless to Him! He wants to leave no crevice untouched in your heart so that He can give you every blessings He has for you. God is crazy about you, and He can’t wait for you to let Him tear down the walls that are blocking your view of how He sees you!

Let Him rebuild your walls. His materials are the best materials. If you give Him your heart and all your hurts He will spare no expense transforming you into the priceless gem He sees you as!

Be Blessed – Be a Light!







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