The Real Thing

Truth the Real Thing

3 John 1-4 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth, as indeed you are walking in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

The first four sentences of this chapter repeat the word truth, four times.

Gaius I love in truth.

Brothers testified to your truth

You are walking in truth

No greater joy you are walking in truth

This TRUTH is important!

Definition in greek: truth, but not merely truth as spoken; truth of idea, reality, sincerity, truth in the moral sphere, divine truth revealed to man, straightforwardness. True to fact and synonymous to reality (opposite of illusion).

For further clarification what is the opposite of truth?  Falseness, a lie, dishonesty, fiction, and falsehood

Do you want: Truth or Lies? Real or Fake? Honesty or Dishonesty? Fact or Fiction?

Food for thought- You are the real deal. You are of great value. There is no one like you. Unique. The truth is there is only one you.

Do you know what’s real? Have you tested the waters? Do you know real truth or just an idea of it? Are you willing to die for it? If not, it’s probably not truth. If we take the scripture above-

Who do you love in truth- in reality, for the long haul, no matter what comes our way. Do you treat yourself that way?

Who can testify to the truth that’s in you? Would they come to your aid? Would they know enough about you to convict you of that truth? Could they back you up by your behavior? Do you do it for yourself?

The third one was indeed you are walking in truth. Do you live out what you believe? Would others know you by the truth you live out in your life? Do you walk out the real, in honesty, reality of goodness and grace?

Love is truth. Real love does hurt at times. Real love is warm and fuzzy. Real love walks out relationship. Real love stays when others leave.  It’s me walking out truth in love for myself and others.

And no greater joy than to know you are walking in truth. Do we/I take time to encourage one another? Does it really excite me to see the difference and know the value of the person in front of me, even if it’s me looking in the mirror?

The real thing is NOT too good to be true. It looks like the real thing. It sounds like the real thing. It smells like the real thing. It tastes like the real thing. It feels like the real thing.

There is a truth that is real, tangible, and never too good to be true. My desire is to know truth so well, that I would recognize the lie and not the opposite where I know lies so where it’s hard to recognize truth.

Truth is freeing. Truth is complete. Truth is Jesus. Yes, even when we don’t understand. Trust in the truth. Hold his hand. Hear his heart. See with his eyes. Let him hold and hug and love on you.

He’s the real deal. So are you.

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