Rejoicing Gives Us Eyes To See

Let joy be your continual feast. Make your life a prayer and in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:16-17 TPT


Have you ever had an experience where God placed the exact message you needed before you at the exact time you needed it most? I am always in awe of how God works and how he orchestrates our stumbles and weak moments right back into his arms of comfort and strength.

I had an experience recently that made me focus on all that wasn’t going right in my life instead of all that was! I just had 44,000 pounds of cement delivered to our new retreat center-FREE OF CHARGE- to create a space where God’s presence can be ushered into people’s hearts and I was stuck mulling over a meeting that didn’t open a door I wanted to be opened. The enemy is so cunning.

How often in our lives is he robbing us of the blessing that is right in front of us by distracting us with what isn’t going right?

But just at the right time, like a breath of fresh air, a dear friend sent me a message.  A Graham Cooke message on rejoicing. I am such a fan of Graham Cooke. He is one of my heroes in the faith. He said, “In exaltation we refocus.” And this allows us to see who God is and who we are! He went on to say, “Give thanks until you become thanks because it has a way of clearing everything out.” Rejoicing clears the “obstruction between your heart and your mouth!”

Wow, how often do we need this! Without rejoicing, we get stuck in the negative and it keeps us from hearing God’s heart. I don’t want anything to obstruct my view of God and the easiest way for the enemy to accomplish that is to keep our focus on all that isn’t working out as weplanned.

Graham suggested refocusing by crafting a Psalm of Thanksgiving…so that is just what I did. Here goes…

Though my heart be weary and longing to see your promises to me come to pass,

my voice will shout louder your praise!

You are worthy always of my greatest praise. Your love is ever present

 molding me,

refining me,

strengthening me,

and refilling me with your message of hope and it keeps me going. 

Even when I don’t know the next step to take your presence is certain. 

When in confusion, your Word lights up before me and reassures me I’m right where

you want me to be.

Thank you for protecting me from the traps of the enemy and lifting me above

the obstacles before me.

Thank you that you have hidden your Word in the secret place of my heart

and it rises up within me with strength and vigor when I need it most!

Thank you that the fire you set in my heart cannot be put out no matter

what comes against me.

Great is Your faithfulness and every day of my life I will proclaim this TRUTH!


Wow, that was refreshing, renewing, and empowering. Try it for yourself. I feel completely refocused on God’s truth and infused with the hope to keep fighting the good fight of faith. His promises will come to pass in our lives! Rejoicing is the key that opens the doors we are longing to walk through.

Be Bold ~ Be a Light

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