This is a word that conjures up thought of great change. Not sure about you but I think most of us immediately think about a butterfly that has emerged from it’s cocoon.
Romans 12:2 uses the same word. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Notice after transformed it say by the renewal of your mind? Renewal means to have a change of heart and life.
Ever thought that in order to change or metamorphosis your mind you would have to actually have a change of heart? Often we try to use our will and just command the mind to obey. We may succeed for a time, but then what seeps back in are the old patterns and ways. Or maybe we can’t cross that barrier at all because we don’t want to change. Perhaps we don’t change our mind because we really don’t think there is anything wrong with what we are thinking or doing.
If we back up to Romans 12:1- I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
Ahhh, what? You want me to sacrifice???? When does He want you to sacrifice? If we put it together first. Present your bodies as a living sacrifice. Do not conform to the world but metamorphosis by the change of heart and life (with your mind), so that you know His will and what is good.
The butterfly is such a good visual for it. How do you not conform to the world? How do you sacrifice? Pull away and go into a cocoon where all the distracting voices reside on the outside. Wrap yourself in His word and love. In a cocoon, you are protected. Sacrifice the busyness of life for one on one time with God. Be still. Let Him work in you. When you emerge, you are not the same as when you went in. I don’t think the caterpillar went into the cocoon knowing how it would transform and emerge. It had to submit to the aloneness, felt isolation, pressures, and change that were occurring within itself. It bound itself so nothing could spoil the process and it couldn’t crawl away. Let your heart and mind take you away for real change.
Lord, I want your way in my life. Your will. I submit to you. I choose to change and transform. I want to be like you.