I Blew It!

I admit it sometimes I crack when the arrows of rejection pierce my heart.

I reached out to a friend whose distance was growing more and more obvious. No response. My heart hurt with the sting of rejection. I thought to myself, “What did I do to warrant the silent treatment?” My head was spinning with self-doubt and discouragement.

It is just me or have you experienced this too?

After the spinning settled, I got enough wits about me to seek God’s perspective. I heard him say, “A pierced heart has two responses, to use the broken jagged edge to pierce back, or allow my light to shine through the crack created.” Maybe the trials and broken relationships we experience are not just for the building of our character, but so that others will see the Light of God contain within and be change by the light we share!

2 Corinthians 4: 7 says, “We have this light shining in our hearts but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.” and wait…there is a kicker here. The verse goes on to say, “…this makes it CLEAR that our great power is from God, and not from ourselves.” Why do we contain this treasure? So that we realize we may be fragile, but what we contain is not! Wow, it just baffles me that I am this crack little pot, but within me is the very Light that spoke all of creation into being.

What does being this vessel really mean? A vessel’s purpose is first to hold something and then be poured out. I realized in that moment, I could spill out my offense and anger or I could realize that the light within me – chose me! Yes, He chose me to be a vessel that pours out Light and healing.

We can choose freedom from offense and choose what we pour out. I had to ask myself in this moment of rejection, “Do I want to pour out more pain and let the enemy’s plan succeed?”  Or instead would I realize the power within me gives me everything I need to face any wounding moment. Graham Cooke says, “One person plus God has everything necessary to overcome.” Do we believe this deep down in our heart?

We always have the choice to love or hold on to offense.  You see we think offense protects us but it really just imprisons us. I get it an open heart risks being hurt, but I also know that the power within me can heal any crack my heart contains. Now that is security! God is the guardian of our hearts, not offense.

After, I realized my heart was in His hands, I asked the Lord how He sees my distant friend. He showed me a picture of her as a shattered china doll – broken inside and out. I realized then that she hid because she lived in constant fear of being hurt. Her silence, her distance was her protection.

In that moment compassion filled my cracked heart and offense no longer had a place in me. My friends, choose light – choose love because offense is a waste of our time when we see others through they eyes of a loving Father. Our hearts can be a broken place, a fragile place or a place of wholeness and light. A wounded heart -wounds. A wounded heart is an offended heart. Those who realize the power, light, and love contained within them walk in love, hope, and with a sense of security.

What do I mean by security?

When we bring our broken, cracked, and fragile hearts before God, He promises to heal and bind up all our brokenness (Ps. 147:3). Run to Him, let Him love you right where you are, and then seek His perspective. His Light is always just what we need!

Embrace the cracks that allow His Light to Shine brightly through you. Who knows the light you allow to flow through you just might be the light that mends the darkness in those around you!

Be Light – Be a Blessing!



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