I’d be lying if I said I knew exactly what I was getting into when I started this journey. I thought it seemed like a great idea to dedicate 40 days of seeking God consistently in order to hear his heart for me and to get rid of residual junk from my past. I’ve been a Christian for a long time and have grown tremendously over the years. Little did I know what God had in store. This journey took me to places within, that I didn’t even know I needed. The words on the page are anointed and his heart overflowed directly into mine. Each day that I encountered His presence through the exercises of freedom, visualizing, worshiping and soaking, I was taken to a genuine place of freedom. During the “Sit and Soak It In” pages, God began to gift me with short poetic words that brought hope and healing. It had been 18 years since my last poem and only God could know the perfect path to my heart. The best way to describe my experiences are found in Numbers 21:17 and the words of a Jesus Culture song called In The River…It sprang up a well in me. This journey is a MUST! You will be forever changed.